A session includes fundamental training and character building along with a minimum of 10 games per team. Roster sizes will not exceed 11 athletes on a team, most commonly 9-10. Rosters totaling 11 players are common during the summer due to vacation plans. When the schedule affords it, we providede an 11 game season for rosters of 11. Practice/training times are scheduled before a minimum of 8 of the player's 10 games. There will be a YAMO (All-Star) Game for those players awarded to this roster by staff and fellow teammates. Athletes must attend a minimum of 7 games during a session to be eligible to vote or participate in this event. There will also be a championship game for the two teams in each division with the best overall record. Statistics are tracked and posted by volunteers. All games are officiated by staff, certified and non-certified officials.
Age eligibility is 9 to 19. In grade terms, athletes are allowed to participate in Journeyman the summer session after they graduate from high school.
Teams are formed in a 10-15 day selection process at the beginning of each session. The coaching staff will conduct a fair evaluation process, ensuring all teams are comparable in skill to the best of our ability. This is not a perfect science since player ability and team cohesiveness are not always apparent in two weeks. Considerations can often be made to accommodate transportation issues, but not always. Parents will need to bring such requests to the attention of staff at info@journeymanbasketball.com, as soon as possible. This is considered a DRAFT NOTE. This information can also be provided in the comments section of your registration.
For scheduling purposes, please understand that a D1 or D2 team may not meet all three times during the week. They share gym times/space with other teams in their divisions. They will most likely meet 3 times every two weeks.
JHAWKS (10 to 15 years old, skill also a factor) Weekdays (Often Wednesday) start times after 5:30 pm. Primarily Sundays (rare Saturday) after 11:00 am (start times vary) Never after 4:00P on Sunday.
Juniors Division 2 (8 to 12 years old, skill also a factor)
Weekdays (Often Monday) start times after 5:30 pm. Primarily Saturdays and/or Sundays after 11:00 am (start times vary) Never after 4:00P on Sunday.
Juniors Division 1 (12 to 16 years old, skill also a factor)
Weekdays (Often Thursdays) start times after 5:30 pm. Primarily Saturdays after 2:00 pm and/or Sundays after 12:00 pm (start times vary). Never after 5:00P on Sunday.
Seniors Division (15 years old through summer following graduation, skill also a factor)
Fridays from 5:30-7:30 or 7:30-9:30 pm and Sundays after 4:00 pm (rare Saturdays if requested by the division)
NOTE: Journeyman makes adjustments in Senior Division schedules to allow students to put school basketball first.
NOTE: How a schedule works can easily be found under Helpful Documents on the home page of our site.
Athletes are only guaranteed the Senior Division if they have already begun the 10th grade.
NOTE: The all games and practices for the Summer session will be played at Saint Patrick Academy. It is located at 315 Banfield Road Portsmouth, NH 03801.
NOTE: Sibling discounts are only granted if requested.
Players must buy shorts that match our sponsored jerseys. You can purchase them online and pick them up in the gym. Size does not matter when purchasing shorts. Jerseys are issued to athletes by control number. There is a $55 fee when atheltes do not return the jersey!
FURTHER QUESTIONS? Send e-mail to info@journeymanbasketball.com.